Friday, December 14, 2012

MONSTER pimples

I've been having these MONSTER pimples recently.

They are humongous and scary.


SO HUGE RIGHT.  That is my knee.  It basically took over my knee.

This is the first stage of these monster starts out with a small white/green dot in the middle of a big, red, swollen circle.

Then the big, red, swollen circle closes in and gets smaller, as the white/green dot gets bigger.

Now I don't pop them or irritate them or anything, and usually it goes away within a week.

UNLESS I SCRATCH IT BY MISTAKE!!!  Then it becomes a whole new story.  I'm not going to post pictures unless someone asks me to...because it's pretty gross...but basically it becomes this huge, red, hard lump and throbs in pain for two or three days.  Green stuff oozes out of it, and it smells really bad. Like gasoline or something.

When the green stuff is gone, there is a deep crater left.  Like a huge and deep pore.

I have them all over my body, including my scalp.  I noticed that they only come out on the areas that I scratch...which means it is probably from an external source, like infected hair follicles, bacteria from nails etc, rather than something under the skin trying to surface.  I also noticed that they come out at the end of a flare-up, and when comes out, it usually means many are going to follow.

What's interesting is that when these monster pimples, whether they have or have not been scratched...start to heal, it is so itchy.  Why does everything end up in an itchy?  It's like my skin is destined to be itchy no matter what the problem is!!

Positive though of the day: I've been relaxing and catching up on a lot of TV shows I never had time to watch before I started my healing journey.  Yes it is true that I would rather go out and have fun outside than stay at home and stream videos, but I honestly am having fun watching them!! 

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