Monday, November 12, 2012

Ooze vs Blood?

This is kind of weird, but I noticed that when I see blood, it is a good sign.

Maybe it's because I HATE the smelly yellow liquid that leaks out of my skin...and that I would take blood over it any day.

Recently, the holes in my skin has started to leak blood instead of yellow ooze.

This is a part of my cheek  The holes are getting a lot smaller...hurray!  Skin is feeling tighter and more plastic-y though...very painful to move.

I found that yellow ooze will just leak and leak and forever leak...even as it crusts, it will still be wet.  But with blood, it will dry up eventually and turn into a scab.  

Positive thought of the day:  When I am healed, I will appreciate my skin so much more!!!  I'll probably wear the skimpiest clothes everyday just to be like "LOOK AT MY SKIN"...hahaha.