Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Since I stopped steroids, I haven't been able to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time.

Recently, I haven't been able to sleep AT ALL for days at a time...it's very stressful.

I am mentally and physically exhausted all the time.  I will have a conversation with someone, and completely forget what it was about.  I will sit on the sofa, and completely zone out for an hour...like a zombie.  It's even so tiring writing this post!!

I want to fall asleep so badly, but when I get into my bed, I am just so uncomfortable, itchy, dry yet wet at the same time...and I can't fall asleep.  If I don't get up to do something, I will just end up scratching myself to death...and so I get up to do something and end up not sleeping.

I don't want to resort to sleeping pills...but are there any food/herbs that ignite sleepiness??

Anyway, I know I shouldn't stress out so much about sleeping...so if you're having the same problem...let it go as well.  I mean don't get me wrong, sleep is probably most important in healing...in fact I can physically see that my skin mends after a good sleep!  But what I mean is, be prepared that your sleeping routine will change.  I keep reminding myself that it's okay I'm not getting the usual 8 hours of sleep (or however much I used to get...).  For one, on top of the skin being irritated and uncomfortable, I am practically immobile and get no exercise.  I also get some of my sleep/mind rest during one type of my meditation. 

Positive thought of the day: I am glad that I don't really have any priorities in life right now, other than healing my health.  Though I can't sleep, I don't have anything to do right now that requires me to be fully rested.  I respect all of you who have family you need to take care of, children, work, school etc. all while you go through topical steroid withdrawal.  That is just crazy.

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