Monday, January 28, 2013

As the 1st month of 2013 ends...

We are already 1/12 done with 2013!  The year feels like it's going by so fast...I'm sure when I am fully healed I will say the same thing...that it felt like nothing!  Even though right now it feels like forever...

I think I can confidently say that my skin is back to it's normal colour...except the spots and patches here and there.  I've also started getting pimples on my face...not those 'weird' pimples or monster pimples that come with TSW...but normal pimples.  Growing up, I've never had pimples...I don't know if it's because I naturally have super dry skin, or the steroids I used caused me not to have pimples.  I don't know.  But I think these pimples mean that my body has started creating more natural oils...hope so!

I use a lot less coconut oil now...I've never felt this moisturized naturally...even while I was using steroids I was constantly dry.

My lips keep peeling/bleeding though...very annoying and painful.  Any ideas??

On a bright note, I think I'm okay to wear short sleeves in public without getting stares and stuff.  Which means I will start going to the gym in a few days!

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